→ 3D Laser Scanner survey – Scan to BIM of the Prefecture of Chieti

→ 3D Laser Scanner survey – Scan to BIM of the Fire Department of Campobasso

→ 3D Laser scanner survey – Scan to BIM – Avezzano Law Court

→ Aerophotogrammetry Acf Fiorentina sports Center

→ Laser scanner survey Gucci Logistics Firenze

→ Aerial photogrammetric survey Montagliari

→ Laser scanner survey Palazzo Sforza Cesarini – Roma

→ Laser Scanner survey Ex Seves Area – Florence

→ Photogrammetric survey using drone – Milan

→ Architectural surveys: Rome – Villini

→ The IES refinery in Mantua

→ Onshore Surveys

→ Offshore Surveys

→ Urban survey of Prato and Montemurlo

→ Palazzo Amati Cellesi in Pistoia

→ New York – survey of Governors Island

→ The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan

→ The MAN bodywork painting facility in Germany

→ The former Telecom Building in Bologna

→ The former Telecom Building in Rome

→ The Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex – Siena

→ The Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex – Siena